Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Slugs in Agony

Photo by photogirl7.

After my recent post about assassin Ninja squirrels, I heard all about squirrels, moles, and slugs. Chikako, whom I know to be an avid gardener, wrote that her garden in the Pacific Northwest is overrun with slugs and could I please produce a picture of a slug in agony? Chikako, the photo on the left is at your request. Enjoy. I wish I could add a sound track of tiny slugs squealing in pain for you.


kc bob said...

LOL! What a glimpse into your world Heather.

Heather Trent Beers said...

Bob, I hope that glimpse isn't so scary that you never come back! :D

Sally Jadlow said...

I like to pour table salt on slugs and watch them squirm. That way, there is one less to step on in bare feet at night on the patio.

Heather Trent Beers said...

I like salting my slugs, too, Sally. But the problem with salt is you can only get the little suckers when you see them! A friend told me the best way to get a bunch at once is to put a pan of beer in your garden. The slugs will flock to your impromptu bar, apparently, and drink themselves to death. Mwa-ah-ah! (Check out this e-How article on how to kill slugs: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:YqlWqQUmxpgJ:www.ehow.com/how_2330499_bait-kill-slugs.html+how+to+kill+slugs&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

Anonymous said...

Gasp! Did I really request such a horrible thing!? I did; I just checked. It's not funny: a living thing in agony, even for a slug. I give it a quick death so it doesn't have to suffer. Of course, I may change my attitude when the dry season passes... I'll keep the picture just in case.
